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Days for Girls

In 2017 a relationship began between the BPN and the Perth chapter of Days for Girls.

Days for Girls is an international organisation providing health education and reusable menstrual hygiene supplies to disadvantaged girls in order to empower them in education, employment and life.

Due to frequent visits to Papua, BPN members were in an ideal position to distribute Days for Girls (DfG) kits and were keen to assist this organisation whose aims were so compatible with those of the BPN.

Two members of BPN studied the Days for Girls material and qualified to teach the health education syllabus and have delivered the program with the help of a Papuan translator who is a past APCEP participant.

The BPN English classes have given the BPN an entry into communities where the girls have been very keen to participate in the DFG program.
In many cases, the women of the community have chosen to join the girls for the education session and have been very interested in and receptive to the material.

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